


皮特县会支持你成功的. We understand that the major location driver is cost and that depending on the company and industry, 关键的成本因素会有所不同. There are a number of ways we can help your bottom line and we have many tools to support business; therefore, we create each package based on the needs of the client. 我们考虑的是工作岗位的数量, 平均工资, 资本投资, 以及对社区的整体影响. This package can be combined with other sources of financial assistance from local, 区域, 状态, 以及联邦项目.

十大平台网赌 can assist companies and their team members in a variety of ways one of which could also be in-kind. 十大平台网赌以了解更多有关这些资源的信息.

Pitt County provides an Economic Development Grant for qualifying projects.  The grant is based on a percentage of the net increase ad valorem taxes above the base year prior to new investment for a specific number of years.  例如, an industrial project can be awarded a grant based on 50% of ad valorem taxes for 5 years.  Grants will be disbursed each qualifying year after payment of the annual property tax levy.

我们知道时间就是金钱, 以及许可程序, both in terms of cost and time can be challenging.  We aim to make this process as seamless and cost effective as possible.  The Pitt County Planning Department and local municipal planning departments are a one-stop review center for building permits.  许可证可在 10 - 30天

Environmental permitting can be obtained within 30-60 days, provided there are no special requirements that would necessitate additional environmental assessment.  One-stop permitting and express permitting are available from the nearby Washington, NC office.

皮特县可以提供 financial assistance to participate in the cost of extending municipal water and sewer as well as natural gas service to the property line of an industrial site for that portion of the lines lying outside the municipal corporate limits.

Pitt County has various utility providers that are also willing to explore cost savings and efficiency measures and incentives with you to create a customized incentives package.


  • 需要融资?  Let us introduce you to a local banking or financing professional with experience with industrial projects. 
  • 想要定制套装?  We know investors and contractors in our area and beyond with experience in various 行业. 
  • 想租一栋待售的大楼?  Our network of investors can be approached about a lease or lease-to-purchase option. 
  • 对…感兴趣 工业收入债券? 

We have an established IRB – Industrial Revenue Bond – Authority if you are interested in exploring this option.  An IRB provides financing to qualifying manufacturing and solid waste disposal facilities through low-interest, 免税债券. The funds may be used for land costs, facility builds and improvements, and equipment purchases. 

  • 感兴趣 新市场抵税额(NMTC)? 

皮特县有合格的NMTC人口普查区.  The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program permits individual and corporate taxpayers to receive a credit against federal income taxes for making Qualified Equity Investments (QEIs) in qualified community development entities (CDEs).

We have contacts that can help you explore this option if your desired Pitt County site is in a designated NMTC zone.  欲了解更多信息,请使用下面的链接.


  • 想要探索安的好处 机会区

We have industrial sites located in 5 opportunity zones in Pitt County.  The 机会区s Program provides tax incentives for qualified investors to re-invest unrealized capital gains into low-income communities throughout the 状态, 在全国范围内. Low-income census tracks are areas where the poverty rate is 20 percent or greater and/or family income is less than 80% of the area’s median income.  联系 us for information on how this can be beneficial to your project, 或在此链接查找更多信息:  NC机会区程序

  • 有其他想法吗??

Pitt County is open to exploring creative new ideas for incentives.  让我们知道你对什么感兴趣.

在皮特县, we believe in collaborative partnerships with the education system, 劳动力发展委员会, 行业, and other agencies to help support the current and future workforce pipeline.  我们将成为合作伙伴, 主持人, and liaison in helping your receive the best training and education for your employees.  We are able to provide supplemental financial assistance if all costs are not covered by the State of NC’s Customized Training Program.  In addition, we have one of the largest community colleges, 皮特社区学院美国最大的大学之一, 东卡罗莱纳大学在北卡罗来纳州.


As of 2021, Pitt County has been designated a Tier 2 County by the NC Department of Commerce.  This qualifies Pitt County for the highest level of incentives in certain categories. 


We will provide a combined package of incentives from local, 状态, and any other resources that we discover during your site location process.  Pitt County will provide the required matches for State 激励.  For a list of State of NC 激励, use the link below:



十大平台网赌 can assist companies and their team members in a variety of ways. 十大平台网赌以了解更多有关这些资源的信息.

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