Uptown Greenville, NC


皮特县在年度招待会上表彰Avient, CMI塑料和CMP制药

皮特县在年度招待会上表彰Avient, CMI塑料和CMP制药


PITT COUNTY, N.C. - 29日,皮特县向三个现有产业颁发了荣誉th Annual Existing Industries Reception.  年度行业奖颁给了格林维尔的Avient公司和艾登的CMI塑料公司.  《十大平台网赌》的CMP Pharma获得了首个开拓者奖.

Hosted by Pitt County Economic Development, the reception was held on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at the Hilton Greenville, sponsor of the event along with the Greenville ENC Alliance, Greenville Utilities Commission and ElectriCities.

该活动安排在全国制造业日之前, Friday, October 6, 2023年,突出本地工业对我们经济和社区的成就和影响.  皮特县委员会周一批准了一项公告, September 25 to celebrate National Manufacturing Day.

“随着我们的企业社区继续多元化和发展, so does Pitt County,” says Kelly Andrews, Pitt County Economic Development Director.  “我们的行业由我们最高的纳税人和慈善捐助者组成, and they continue to offer high skilled, high paying jobs for our citizens.  我们非常自豪并感谢我们现有行业的贡献,并祝贺Avient, CMI Plastics and CMP Pharma as our 2023 award winners.”


Industry of the Year-Small Business自2007年以来,CMI塑料公司一直在皮特县运营.  这家第三代家族企业成立于1939年,搬迁至纽约州的艾登.C. 允许他们扩张,因为他们的设施已经不够用了. The company provides custom packaging solutions, concentrating on thermoforming, for companies in various industries, 包括ECVC和赛默飞世尔科技等本地公司.  他们为知名品牌提供包装,如Brown Forman (Jack Daniel 's), Casamigos, Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, Pokémon, Betty Crocker and others.

CMI is currently expanding, nearly doubling in size with a 60,000-sf addition, which should be completed before the end of the year.  Since moving to Pitt County, CMI获得了多个包装设计奖项以及公司的认可, including 2014 Most Valuable Partner- R.J. 雷诺兹蒸汽,以及2021年和2022年年度最佳制造商- poksammon / the Card Game.

“多年来,CMI不断改进和发展,同时保持对客户期望的敏捷性, 积极的供应商关系和可持续的商业实践,” says Steven Hasselbach,  Sales and Engineering Manager. “这使我们能够回馈帮助我们取得今天成就的社区和员工.  我们期待着在皮特县的扩张,并继续支持我们的社区.”


Industry of the Year-Large Business honors for 2023 went to Avient Corporation.  Avient is the manufacturer of Dyneema®, 一种工程纤维,强度是钢的15倍,用于要求苛刻的应用,如弹道个人防护, marine and sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy, industrial protection and outdoor sports.  格林维尔工厂已经运营了22年,是唯一的Dyneema生产商® fiber and Dyneema® unidirectional (UD) material in the U.S.

Since 2018, 格林维尔工厂因其出色的安全记录和健全的职业安全和健康措施而获得了北卡罗来纳州劳工部的卡罗莱纳之星的认可.  As stewards of the environment, the Greenville site runs on 100% renewable electricity, 他们正在投资一个水循环项目,目标是80%的循环水.  They are also ISO 9001 certified.

“我们为我们的客户和最终用户提供的令人惊叹的产品感到非常自豪,我们这样做是出于保护环境和我们所生活的社区的热情.  We also recognize that our people make us successful, 我们感谢他们个人和集体的贡献,这也是我们获得这个奖项的原因,” says Scott McIntyre, Site Director.


Pitt County also presented a first-ever Trailblazer Award to CMP Pharma.  CMP is a specialty pharmaceutical company that develops, 生产和商业化一系列品牌口服液产品.  该公司最初是由亨利·史密斯于1975年作为卡罗莱纳医疗产品公司创立的.  2012年,该公司被一家私募股权公司Altaris Capital Partners收购.  随着公司从仿制药过渡到品牌产品,公司名称改为CMP Pharma.

Between 2017 and today, the company has developed, 获得FDA批准并推出5种治疗心血管疾病的品牌口服液体.  In addition, 自2012年以来,该公司的员工人数几乎翻了两番, from 22 to 80, under the leadership of Gerry Sakowski, Chief Executive Officer.  展望未来,公司拥有健康的口服液产品线.

“CMP Pharma is like a family,” says Gerry Sakowski, CEO. “超过一半的员工在这里工作了至少10年,有些人在这里工作了20多年. 我们的团队乐于参与研发新产品,帮助吞咽药片和胶囊有困难的患者.”

现有产业接待处也认可具有重要周年纪念的产业, such as Minges Bottling Group, which was the 2020 Industry of the Year.  Minges is celebrating their 100th 今年的周年纪念,并正在建设一个新的分销设施在艾登,n.n.C.  皮特县经营时间最长的企业——自由意志浸信会十大网赌平台基金会(Free Will Baptist Press Foundation)正在庆祝成立150周年th year.

“Pitt County Economic Development is proud to honor Avient, CMI塑料和CMP制药的持续成功和不可否认的成就,” says Andrews.  “As we approach National Manufacturing Day, 我们再怎么强调我们当地制造商提供的积极的经济影响和多样化的职业机会都不为过, 而这次活动只是对你们为皮特县所做的一切表示小小的感谢.”


For more information, visit bbhztm.dowtek.net 或致电(252)902-2079与十大平台网赌部联系.


皮特县政府的使命是促进健康, safety, 以友善及具成本效益的方式,提倡及提供优质服务,为市民带来福祉. Learn more: www.PittCountyNC.gov


Media Contact:

Dawn C. Jones                                                                                                                                                                         

Director, Public Information & 媒体关系                                                                                                                           以前版本:

dawn.jones@pittcountync.gov | (252) 902-2955                                                                                                   www.PittCountyNC.gov/PIO